About 中醫婦科
診所服務範圍:不孕症、排卵障礙、卵泡發育異常、卵巢早衰、未破裂卵泡黃素化綜合征、體外受精-胚胎移植及人工授精的中醫輔助治療;多囊卵巢綜合征、巧囊、子宮腺肌病、高泌乳素血症、垂體微線瘤;假腔、功血、痛經、閉經、婦科腫瘤;先兆流產、習慣性流產等婦產科疑難病症的中醫及中西醫結合治療。 Clinic Services: infertility, ovulation disorders, follicular dysplasia, premature ovarian failure, flavin of unruptured follicle syndrome, in vitro fertilization - embryo transfer and artificial insemination TCM adjuvant therapy; polycystic ovary syndrome, clever capsule, adenomyosis disease, hyperprolactinemia, pituitary tumor lines; the false lumen, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, gynecologic oncology; threatened abortion, habitual abortion and other incurable diseases Obstetrics and Gynecology TCM and Integrative Medicine.