STIE Indonesia Banjarmasin for Android
Adapun beberapa isi dari aplikasi ini adalah :
1. Prodile
2. Akademik
3. Daftar Dosen Pengajar
4. Fasilitas
5. Testimoni
6. Map Lokasi STIE Indonesia Banjarmasin
7. Contact
Untuk sementara yang tersebut diatas mungkin masih ada yang perlu ditambahkan nanti.
Mohon masukan dan kritikan dari Anda.
Sebelumnya kami ucapkan terimkasih.
The Real Campus | Mapan, Profesional dan Terpercaya
This application is the explanation / on campus STIE Indonesia Banjarmasin, which is the only College of Economics in Kalimantan with Instistusi Accreditation rating "B" and Bersetifikasi Management System "ISO 9001: 2008 from TUV RHEINLAND".As for some of the contents of this application are:
1. Prodile
2. Academic
3. List Lecturers
4. Facilities
5. Testimonials
6. Map Location STIE Indonesia Banjarmasin
7. Contact
For a while the above may still exist that need to be added later.
Please input and criticism from you.
Previously we say terimkasih.
The Real Campus | Well established, Professional and Reliable