DSE ICT Fighting 3

DSE ICT Fighting 3 Free App

Rated 4.00/5 (3) —  Free Android application by WABC Creations

About DSE ICT Fighting 3

「備戰DSE ICT」(DSE ICT Fighting)是Android平台上,第一個專誠為香港文憑試(DSE)資訊及通訊科技科(ICT)應考同學開發的應用程式(apps)。中四至中六級修讀ICT的同學,可以透過「備戰DSE ICT」裡的2,500多道題目,對整個DSE ICT必修課程的考試範圍有深入認識和了解,備戰公開試,取得高分數。

「備戰DSE ICT」的所有題目均屬原創,版權所有。只要懂得回答全部「備戰DSE ICT」的2,584道題目,保證在公開試中,所有根據教科書擬定的題目你一定懂得回答。大部份應考HKDSE的同學均認為ICT是其中一科最難掌握的科目,因為太多「課外題」。有見及此,「備戰DSE ICT」的題目中,同樣有不少「課外題」及「應用題」,讓各位考生有更多機會適應公開試的題目。

「備戰DSE ICT」的製作團隊WABC Creations包括有任教會考電腦科、會考電腦與資訊科技科、高級補充程度電腦應用科、文憑試資訊及通訊科技科20年的經驗老師。任教的區內Band 1學校雖然在全港只屬於Band 1.5,但任教以來從來沒有一位考生在公開試中不合格,即連續20年公開試合格率均是100%,當然遠超全港的平均數字,成績亦比很多傳統Band 1名校好。在會考取得A及在文憑試取得5**的同學數量亦令人鼓舞。由於明白公開試的要求,也是公開試閱卷員,又會站在考生立場思考,知道考生在備戰過程中需要些甚麼,因此多年來任教的同學成績理想,亦構思並實踐了「備戰DSE ICT」的開發。

不停操練2,500多道題目是一件很沉悶的事。「備戰DSE ICT」的製作團隊也是教育界人仕,當然知道「寓遊戲於學習」是最有效的學習方法,因此你可以在「備戰DSE ICT」找到很多非常有趣的元素。

第一個有趣的元素是10大道具。你可使用道具以協助取得更高分數,及「升呢」。10大道具分別是(1)3X題目分數:答對了該題後可獲得3倍分數。(2)80%準確提示:某個選項會轉為紅色,該選項有80%機會是正確的。(3)50/50:4個選項只餘下2個供你選擇。(4)Kill 1:4個選項只餘下3個供你選擇。(5)Pause:計時會暫停,讓你有更多時間去思考。(6)Reset Timer:計時會重新開始,讓你有更多時間去思考。(7)Insurance:如果你答錯了,可以再有一次機會補答。(8)SKIP:可跳過這一題,不算是答錯。(9)Verbal Hint:你會聽到一個和ICT有關的英文詞彙,該詞彙的第1個字母就是答案。例如你聽到byte,答案就是B。(10)10 Level:你可以直接「升呢」10層,省回不少時間,又可以取得更高分數。

當然,每個道具使用時均要付出「道具分數」。「備戰DSE ICT」1、2、3的免費版在開始時會送你50,000道具分數,而「備戰DSE ICT FULL」1、2、3更會送你1,000,000道具分數。此外,隨著你的Level不斷提升,使用道具時所需要的道具分數也會減少,以示對你勤力的獎勵。

第二個有趣的元素是獎勵。你每答對1道題目,所得的分數也會比前1道題目多,以作獎勵。Level 1答對第1道題目的分數可得10分,到答對第991道題目時,該題目已為你帶來1,000分!隨著你不斷「升呢」,每道題目的分數也會有所增加,以示對你的獎勵。


第四個有趣的元素是排行榜。「備戰DSE ICT」提供了2個排行榜,1個供你自己不斷刷新紀錄之用,另1個排行榜是供全部「備戰DSE ICT」用戶「鬥高分」之用。記著在apps啟動時,輸入你的用戶名稱,好讓當你登入排行榜時,你的名字可以在榜上顯示。

「備戰DSE ICT」共分3個部份。

「備戰DSE ICT 1」題目涵蓋了「資訊處理」部份,課題包括資訊處理簡介、數據組織及數據控制、數字及字符編碼系統、多媒體元素及數碼化、認識辦公室自動化、文書處理、試算表、數據庫、套裝軟件的綜合應用、資訊演示。

「備戰DSE ICT 1」免費版提供200道題目,而「備戰DSE ICT 1 FULL」則提供了1,039道題目,在Play Store的售價是港幣$19.9。

「備戰DSE ICT 2」題目涵蓋了「電腦系統基礎」及「互聯網及其應用」部份。「電腦系統基礎」的課題包括電腦系統的系統組、輸入及輸出設備、輔助存貯設備、系統硬件及應用軟件、電腦系統。「互聯網及其應用」的課題包括建網及互聯網基本知識、通訊軟件及協定、互聯網服務及應用、認識超文本標示語言、基本網頁編寫。

「備戰DSE ICT 2」免費版提供200道題目,而「備戰DSE ICT 2 FULL」則提供了1,016道題目,在Play Store的售價是港幣$19.9。

「備戰DSE ICT 3」題目涵蓋了「基本問題的過程」及「資訊及通訊科技對社會的影響」。「基本問題的過程」的課題包括解決問題的過程、算法設計、算法測試。「資訊及通訊科技對社會的影響」的課題包括公平存取、工作及健康議題、知識產權、互聯網上的保安及威脅。

「備戰DSE ICT 3」免費版提供100道題目,而「備戰DSE ICT 3 FULL」則提供了529道題目,在Play Store的售價是港幣$9.9。

「備戰DSE ICT FULL」1、2、3和免費版比較,除了題目較多,送給你的道具分數較多外,還有2個分別。第1個分別是在免費版當你答錯了2題就會結束,而FULL版當你答錯第3題才結束。第2個分別就是「備戰DSE ICT FULL」1、2、3在你完成練習後,會顯示Revise按鈕。只要你按下Revise按鈕,就可以重溫答錯了的題目及選項,並會顯示該題目的答案可在教科書哪一課中獲得,讓你更方便進行溫習。

小提示:由於題目數量不少,「備戰DSE ICT」提取題目時需要一些時間,請各位耐心等待。 "Preparing for DSE ICT" (DSE ICT Fighting) is the Android platform, the first designed-for Hong Kong Diploma test (DSE) Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sit students developed applications (apps). S4 six students studying ICT can "prepare DSE ICT" through multi-channel title in the 2,500, the scope of the examination of the entire DSE ICT compulsory courses have in-depth knowledge and understanding, preparing for public examinations, achieve high scores.

"Preparing for DSE ICT" All topics are original, all rights reserved. Just know how to answer all the "prepare DSE ICT," the 2,584-question, to ensure that public examinations, all prepared in accordance with the subject textbooks you must know how to answer. Most students sit for HKDSE consider ICT is one of the most difficult subjects to master subjects, because too many "extra-curricular problem." In view of this, "preparing for the DSE ICT" in the title, there are also a lot of "extra-curricular theme" and "word problems" so that you have more opportunities to adapt to candidates for public examinations topic.

"Preparing for DSE ICT" production team WABC Creations include teaching computer studies Examination, Certificate Computer and Information Technology, ASL Computer Applications, Diploma in Information and Communication Technology trial 20 years of experience teacher. Band 1 schools to teach in the district although the territory belongs to Band 1.5, but have never been taught an unqualified candidates in public examinations, namely 20 consecutive years of public examination pass rate is 100%, of course, far more than the territory average figures, the results are a lot better than the traditional elite Band. A made in the Certificate and Diploma students try to obtain 5 ** number also encouraging. Due to understand the requirements of public examinations, but also public examination markers, candidates will stand in the position of thinking, to know what the candidates need to prepare for the process, so for many years to teach students satisfactory, also conceived and practiced, "Preparing for DSE ICT." Development.

2,500 multi-stop train is a very boring subject matter. "Preparing for DSE ICT" production team is also education person, of course, know that "blending games for learning" is the most effective way to learn, so you can "prepare DSE ICT" to find a lot of very interesting elements.

The first interesting element is the 10 big props. You can use props to help get a higher score, and "l do." 10 props were (1) 3X subject score: answer the questions get three times after that score. (2) 80% accurate Tip: an option will turn red, the option 80% chance of being correct. (3) 50/50: 4 leaving only two options for you to choose from. (4) Kill 1:4 leaving only three options for you to choose. (5) Pause: pauses the timer, so you have more time to think. (6) Reset Timer: timer will start again, so you have more time to think. (7) Insurance: If you are wrong, you can then have an opportunity to supply an answer. (8) SKIP: can skip this question, not a wrong answer. (9) Verbal Hint: you will hear an English vocabulary and ICT-related, the first letter of the word is the answer. For example, you hear a byte, the answer is B. (10) 10 Level: You can direct "l do" 10 layers, save a lot of time, they can get a higher score.

Of course, each of the props have to pay a "prop Score 'use. "Preparing for DSE ICT" 1,2,3 at the beginning of the free version will give you 50,000 props scores, and "preparing for DSE ICT FULL" 1,2,3 1,000,000 props will give you more scores. In addition, as your Level rising, the use of props, the props needed to score will be reduced, to show your hardworking reward.

  The second interesting element is the reward. Every time you answer a problem, the scores will be more than the previous one subject, as incentives. Level 1 answer first a subject can score 10 points, to answer the first 991 title, this topic has been to bring you 1,000 points! As you continue to "do up" scores each question will increase to show for your reward.

  The third interesting element is stimulated. When you manage to save enough points, "l do", you can participate in "storage capacity estimated size" or "hexadecimal numbers estimate the size." You want to storage capacity and more than hexadecimal digits depth knowledge of, nor have enough luck to get two times, four times, eight times even the score.

  The fourth element is an interesting list. "Preparing for DSE ICT" provides two charts, one for you to keep a record of their own with the other one is for the entire list, "Preparing for DSE ICT" user "bucket score" purposes. Remember when apps start, enter your user name, so that when you log list, your name can be displayed in the standings.

"Preparing for DSE ICT" is divided into three parts.

"Preparing for DSE ICT 1" covers the topic "Information Processing" section, topics include Introduction to information processing, data organization and data control, numbers and character encoding systems, and digital multimedia elements, knowledge of office automation, word processing, spreadsheets, database, integrated application software packages, information presentation.

"Preparing for DSE ICT 1" free version provides 200 questions, and "preparing for DSE ICT 1 FULL" provides a 1,039-question, priced at Play Store is HK $ 19.9.

"Preparing for DSE ICT 2" covers the topic and "Internet and its applications," part of "basic computer system." Subject "Computer systems based" systems, including computer systems group of input and output devices, auxiliary storage device, system hardware and application software, computer systems. "Internet applications and" topics include the basics of networking and the Internet, communications and protocol software, Internet services and applications, knowledge of hypertext markup language, basic web authoring.

"Preparing for DSE ICT 2" free version provides 200 questions, and "preparing for DSE ICT 2 FULL" provides a 1,016-question, priced at Play Store is HK $ 19.9.

"Preparing for DSE ICT 3" covers the topic "Impact of ICT on society," "Basic problems in the process" and. "The basic problem in the process," topics include problem-solving process, algorithm design and algorithm testing. "Impact of Information and Communication Technology for Society" issues including fair access, work and health issues, intellectual property rights, security and the threat of the Internet.

"Preparing for DSE ICT 3" free version provides 100 questions, and "preparing for DSE ICT 3 FULL" provides a 529 title, priced at Play Store is HK $ 9.9.

"Preparing for DSE ICT FULL" 1,2,3 and relatively free version, in addition to the title more, give you props score more, there are two respectively. The first one is that when you are wrong, the two questions will end in the free version, but FULL version when you got the wrong answer to Question 3 until the end. The first two were that "preparing for DSE ICT FULL" 1,2,3 After you have completed the exercise, will be displayed Revise button. Revise as long as you press the button, you can revisit the subject of wrong answers and options, and will show that the answer to the topic which is available in the textbook lesson, make you more convenient to carry out revision.

    Tip: Because a lot of the number of questions, take some time "to prepare for DSE ICT" to extract the subject, please be patient.

How to Download / Install

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