Ketogenic Diet Lose Weight Now

Ketogenic Diet Lose Weight Now Free App

Rated 2.37/5 (19) —  Free Android application by RTD

About Ketogenic Diet Lose Weight Now

What would you say if I told you that you could supercharge your energy levels with a switch to your diet? How about lose fat or bulk up using the same diet? Would you like to eat the foods that are considered taboo? You know... The good foods, the ones with all the fats that really taste good. We are speaking of ketogenic diets (or keto for short).

We are here to shed some light on the subject and hopefully leave you with a better understanding about this diet.


First let's cover a few aspects of the benefits from using a keto diet, though there are many.

Increased fat loss
Increased energy levels
Decreased hunger while cutting

The object of a keto diet is to force your body to get into and stay in a glycogen deprived state and maintain a mild state of ketosis (burning fats for energy). In order to achieve this you need to increase the fat intake and restrict the carbs to a minimum.

On a carb based diet, carbs are converted into glucose and this is what the body will use for its primary fuel source. The glucose that is not used for energy is converted to glycogen and stored in the liver for future usage. Now once the stores are full we get a sort of "spill over", and the excess is stored as adipose tissue or fat, as we all are familiar with. You know the stuff around the waistline we call the spare tire or the dreaded "love handles". Now we feel this is proof positive as to why you get fat, not due to eating fat, but due to excessive carbs. "But I don't eat a lot of food and I still get fat." This is possibly due to an intolerance to insulin. You would be surprised how many are walking around borderline pre-diabetics. How many obese people do you see today? Ask some of them what they eat and how much, I bet you would be surprised at the answers. I found most people are struggling with their weight due to this intolerance to insulin, especially as the aging process takes its toll.

The one factor I find interesting is that you are able to control this insulin problem with this diet. We are faced with too many carb related problems, such as Diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure, which are due largely to hyper-insulinism. In the last 10 to 15 years scientists have realized that metabolic disturbances which usually occur in the obese, is caused by a form of insulin resistance. Insulin is a hormone which will constantly rise and fall according to foods we eat. It is better to control the insulin to our advantage, which will be covered in the next few installments, such as after a weight training session.

This Diet Works Period!!!! Just Give It A Shot And Enjoy!

***************FIXED PROBLEMS WITH VERSION 1***************

How to Download / Install

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Android package: appinventor.ai_donovanreyrey.KetoDiet, download Ketogenic Diet Lose Weight Now.apk

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What are users saying about Ketogenic Diet Lose Weight Now

by N####:


by K####:

Links to a dead website. Should be removed from the store.

by C####:


by D####:

Just redirects you too a website. ...

by D####:

I pull up app and no content appears??

by D####:

It tells about the benefits of a keto diet, but not how to do it, exercises or anything. And it redirects to a website, it is not it's own source. Don't bother downloading it.

by D####:

Was hoping it was an app to keep track but teaches you what you need to know then delete!

by V####:

No helpful content It tells about the benefits of a keto diet, but not how to do it, exercises or anything. And it redirects to a website, it is not it's own source. Don't bother downloading it.

by J####:

No content I pull up app and no content appears??

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