Rádio Web PMB for Android
Programação 24 horas com uma seleção de músicas com foco no artista da terra, principalmente mostrando as raízes bragantinas, tais como, o xote bragantino, o retumbão, a mazurca, divulgando os ritmos e sons da Marujada nossa maior expressão e Patrimônio Cultural Paraense.
WEB PMB Radio: Listen to the program of institutional Radio Municipal de Bragança-Pa City Hall with management news, secretariats, departments, projects, events, land culture, and services to citizens.Programming 24 hours with a selection of songs focusing on the artist's land, mainly showing the bragantinas roots, such as the Braganza xote, the retumbão, the mazurka, divulging the rhythms and sounds of Marujada our highest expression and cultural heritage Para.