About Low Vision Keyped Free
Com várias funções acreditamos ser de grande utilidade, Low Vision Keypad quer ajudar as pessoas que têm algum grau de dificuldade para visualizar as letras e números em seu telefone móvel convencional.
1 - função para fazer uma chamada de telefone sem ter que escrever o número.
2 - A função de tradução de palavras ou textos curtos para frações, espanhol, italiano, português e alemão sem digitar. Basta falar e ouvir o resultado de uma tradução.
3 - calculadora função para somar, dividir, multiplicar e subtrair com uma característica muito especial; Suas teclas numéricas para falar para ser pressionadas. Além disso, o resultado do cálculo, e é no visor
o número é falado em qualquer um dos idiomas disponível nesta versão.
Nesta primeira versão dirigimos para alguns idiomas, mas podemos estender
para outras línguas, se solicitado pelos usuários.
Como é característico em nossas aplicações ajuda é falado. Basta clicar sobre o
Botão Ajuda e ouvir as principais opções de uso do aplicativo. Além disso, como sempre, estamos abertos a críticas e sugestões de todos.
Baixa visão.
With various functions we believe to be of great use, Low Vision Keypad want to help people who have some degree of difficulty viewing the letters and numbers on your conventional mobile phone.
1 - function to make a phone call without having to write the number.
2 - Translation of function words or short texts for fractions, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and German without typing. Just talk and listen to the result of a translation.
3 - calculator function to add, divide, multiply and subtract with a very special feature; Their number keys to be pressed to speak. Furthermore, the result of the calculation, and the display is
the number is spoken in any of the available languages in this release.
In this first version we drove for some languages, but we can extend
into other languages if requested by users.
As is characteristic in our applications help is spoken. Just click on the
Help button and hear the main application usage options. Also, as always, we are open to criticism and suggestions of all.
Low vision. With various functions we believe to be of great use, Low Vision Keypad want to help people who have some degree of difficulty viewing the letters and numbers on your conventional mobile phone.
1 - function to make a phone call without having to write the number.
2 - Translation of function words or short texts for fractions, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and German without typing. Just talk and listen to the result of a translation.
3 - calculator function to add, divide, multiply and subtract with a very special feature; Their number keys to be pressed to speak. Furthermore, the result of the calculation, and the display is
the number is spoken in any of the available languages in this release.
In this first version we drove for some languages, but we can extend
into other languages if requested by users.
As is characteristic in our applications help is spoken. Just click on the
Help button and hear the main application usage options. Also, as always, we are open to criticism and suggestions of all.
Low vision.
With various functions we believe to be of great use, Low Vision Keypad want to help people who have some degree of difficulty viewing the letters and numbers on your conventional mobile phone.
1 - function to make a phone call without having to write the number.
2 - Translation of function words or short texts for fractions, Spanish, Italian, English and German without typing. Just talk and listen to the result of the translation.
3 - calculator function to add, divide, multiply and subtract with a very special feature; Their number keys to be pressed to speak. Furthermore, the result of the calculation, and the display is
the number is spoken in any of the available languages in this release.
In this first version we drove for some languages, but we can extend
into other languages if requested by users.
As is characteristic in our applications help is spoken. Just click on the
Help button and hear the main application usage options. Also, as always, we are open to criticism and suggestions of all.
Low vision.