About Uno Mas Lifestyle Tracker
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Uno Mas Lifestyle Tracker is here to help you to track every aspect of your healthy life. It is extremely simple to just open the application and enter in your data. With Uno Mas, you can track all of your lifestyle activities and exercises such as Push-Ups, Pull-Ups, Steps, Squats, Sit-Ups, Ounces of Water, and even custom activities! All of your data will be safely stored on a month and daily basis and you can view it anytime with ease.
Uno Mas even allows you to set goals to aim to achieve them! You can set goals on a month or daily basis and you can view the progress of your goals in the View Activity screen.
Log Activity - Simply open the app, click on the clipboard with the pencil to access the log activity screen. Here you can click on the "Please Select" to change the activity to anything you wish such as Push-Ups. Then, if you did - for example - 18, just click +10, +5, and +1 three time. It is that easy.
View Activity - When you open the app, click on the clipboard with the magnifying glass to access all of your activity. Here you can choose the activity, and choose the date or month, and you will be given the counts of that activity. If you have goals, you can view your progress here
Set Goals - Open the app and click on the clipboard with the target to get to the Set Goals screen. Here you can choose the activity, select an interval from monthly or daily, and type in the count. Then click set goal. For example, if you want to do 30 push-ups each day, type in 30, choose the daily interval, and choose Push-Ups. Then just click set goal
Stopwatch - The Simple Stopwatch allows you to Start/Stop, Pause/Resume, and Lap. Along with saving the seconds to an activity of choice!
Pedometer - Press the play button to start and the pause to pause. When you are done walking/running, click save to save your steps to the Steps activity. (You can manually enter steps from the Log screen)
Push-Up Counter - Place your phone on the ground. Do a push-up towards the device's camera and when it detects you as close enough, a push-up will be added. Click save to save the Push-Ups to the Push-Ups activity.
Water Intake Tracker - After the simple start-up process, when you click on the glass, it will add the amount of water in your water bottle. The start-up will help you set a goal for your water consumption each day. For example if you are set to drink 80 ounces each day and your water bottle is 20 ounces, when you click on the glass, 20 ounces is added. So after clicking 4 times (and drinking a full bottle each time), your goal will be reached.
BMI Calculator - Simply enter your weight and height. Voila, you are presented with your BMI.
Motivational Quote or Health Tip - Every time you open the app, you will be presented with a tip or quote to inspire your healthy lifestyle!
Custom Activity - If you want to track something besides the basic 8 (Push-Ups, Sit-Ups, Burpees, Squats, Planks, Pull-Ups, Steps, and Ounces of Water), click on the "Custom Activity" button on the Log screen and type in the name of the activity. For example: Hours of sleep, Miles Ran, etc.
Recommended Activities - In the Options, you can click "Add a recommended activity" and choose one of the six options to start tracking!
Always remember when your body is try to quit just tell it Uno Mas! (One More)
--For the first month if you download, you will receive an ad-free version of Uno Mas permanently!--
by J####:
great app..