About Belajar Segiempat
Aplikasi ini berisi materi mengenai “SIFAT-SIFAT SEGIEMPAT” dengan SK (Memahami konsep segiempat dan segitiga serta menentukan ukurannya) dan KD (Mengidentifikasi sifat-sifat persegi panjang, persegi, trapesium, jajargenjang, belah ketupat, dan layang-layang). Material Content “ SIFAT-SIFAT SEGIEMPAT” yang dikemas melalui sebuah aplikasi dengan desain cerita yang mengantarkan anak untuk mudah memahami bagaimana sifat-sifat Segiempat. Aplikasi ini dibuat dengan alur cerita dari Pak Pos yang membutuhkan bantuan untuk mengetahui bentuk surat yang akan dikirim sesuai permintaan pelanggan hingga semua surat telah diantarkan.
It contains material about " quadrilateral properties " with Competention Standard (Understanding the concept of rectangles and triangles also determine its size) and KD (identify the properties of a rectangle, square , trapezoid , parallelogram , rhombus , and kite). Material Content " PROPERTIES quadrilateral " through an application that is packaged with a story design that drove the child to easily understand how the properties of quadrilateral . This application is made to the storyline of the mailman who needed help to determine the form of a letter to be sent per customer's request until all the letters have been sent by the mailman.
quadrilateral icon:
Icon ini berupa gambar segiempat yang didesain sesuai dengan imajnasi anak. Hampir setiap gambar segiempat ini, merupakan gambar yang telah popular diketahui oleh anak sehingga mampu memberikan daya tarik tersendiri untuk belajar sambil bermain maupun berimajinasi.
This icon is an quadrilateral picture that is designed in accordance with children imagination. Almost every picture of this quadrilateral, is a picture that has been popular known by children so capable to give a special attraction to learn while playing and imagination.
quadrilateral-description slide:
Slide ini berisi deskripsi mengenai salah satu segiempat yang telah benar dijawab dari sebuah pertanyaan pada slide sebelumnya. Tujuan slide ini, dapat memberikan penjelasan kepada pengguna aplikasi tentang bangun tersebut, sehingga dapat mempermmudah pengguna dalam memahami materi sifat-sifat segiempat.
This slide contains a description of one of the quadrilateral that has the correct answer from question on the previous slide . The purpose of this slide is give an explanation to application user about that object, so it can mempermmudah users to understand the material properties of the quadrilateral. This application contains material on "PROPERTIES quadrilateral" with SK (Understanding the concept of rectangles and triangles and determine its size) and KD (identify the properties of a rectangle, square, trapezoid, parallelogram, rhombus, and kite). Material Content "PROPERTIES quadrilateral" through an application that is packaged with a design story that drove the child to easily understand how the properties of rectangles. This application is made to the storyline of the mailman who need help to determine the form of a letter to be sent per customer's request until all the letters have been delivered.
It contains material about "quadrilateral properties" with Competention Standard (Understanding the concept of rectangles and triangles Also Determine its size) and KD (identify the properties of a rectangle, square, trapezoid, parallelogram, Rhombus, and kite). Material Content "PROPERTIES quadrilateral" through an application that is packaged with a design story that drove the child to Easily understand how the properties of quadrilateral. This application is made to the storyline of the mailman who needed help to Determine the form of a letter to be sent per customer's request until all the letters have been sent by the mailman.
quadrilateral icon:
This icon is an image rectangle that is designed in accordance with imajnasi children. Almost every picture of this rectangle, an image that has been popular known by children so as to give a special attraction to learn while playing and imagination.
This icon is an quadrilateral picture that is designed in accordance with children imagination. Almost every picture of this quadrilateral, is a picture that has been popular known by children so capable to give a special attraction to learn while playing and imagination.
quadrilateral slide-description:
This slide contains a description of one of the quadrilateral that has the correct answer of a question on the previous slide. The purpose of this slide, the user can give an explanation to the application of waking up, so it can mempermmudah users to understand the material properties of the quadrilateral.
This slide contains a description of one of the quadrilateral that has the correct answer from question on the previous slide. The purpose of this slide is give an explanation to the user application about that object, so it can mempermmudah users to understand the material properties of the quadrilateral.
by S####:
Keren (y)