Radio Swaraunib for Android
Swaraunib FM memiliki penyiar-penyiar dan program-program yang cerdas dan bersahabat serta ditemani dengan lagu-lagu pop, rock, jazz, blues, R&B. Swaraunib FM dapat diakses channel frekuensi 99,2MHz untuk pendengar di Provinsi Bengkulu. Selain siaran on air 99,2 MHz, Swaraunib juga berinteraksi dengan pendengar melalui internet di dan facebook fan page resmi yang saat ini memiliki 12k like.
Untuk dapat menjangkau pendengar yang jauh lebih luas, Swaraunib FM juga menyediakan live streaming siaran yang dapat diakses di Pendengar Swaraunib saat ini terbanyak ada pada range usia 15-40 tahun baik pria maupun wanita, terbagi pada beberapa acara yang memang ditargetkan untuk pendengar pada usia tertentu. Berdasarkan profesi, pendengar swaraunib terdiri dari kalangan pelajar dan mahasiswa, dosen, pns, wirausahawan dan ibu rumah tangga yang tersebar di seluruh area Provinsi Bengkulu.
PT. Radio Swara UNIB a single company and not open branches in other cities or in other places that are engaged in radio broadcasting industry by name Swaraunib FM aerial. PT. Radio Swara UNIB have broadcast radio activity to the efforts of information, education, and entertainment that is commercial private. Swaraunib active FM began broadcasting in 2006 and currently has an official permit No. 387 2015 MCIT IPP RI.Swaraunib FM has broadcasters and programs that are intelligent and friendly and accompanied by the tunes of pop, rock, jazz, blues, R & B. Swaraunib FM frequency channel 99,2MHz accessible to listeners in the province of Bengkulu. In addition to air on 99.2 MHz broadcast, Swaraunib also interacts with listeners via the internet in and official facebook fan page which currently has 12k like.
To be able to reach a much wider audience, Swaraunib FM also provide live streaming broadcast can be accessed at Most listeners Swaraunib currently exist in the range of 15-40 years of age both men and women, divided in several events that are targeted to listeners at a certain age. Based on the profession, the listener swaraunib consists of the students, lecturers, civil servants, entrepreneurs and housewives who are scattered throughout the province of Bengkulu.
So nice streaming
by S####:
so nice n so cool, like it