About Magictriangles
Right-angle calculations are available for inputs:- AB, AC, AX, BC, BX and CX.
Isosceles calculations are available for inputs:- ABX, BCY, ACZ, BCX, CAY,YBA, ZCB, ABH, ACH and BCH. Calculations for ABZ and XAC are not possible at this time. calculations are possible for ABC, if C and B are of equal length.
Obtuse calculations are available for inputs:-ABX, BCY, CZA, BCX, CAY, ACX, CBZ, ABH, ACH and BCH. Calculations for ABZ, ABC and ABY are not possible.
All dimensions are calculated to +/- 0.25
Please note!
Some input dimensions work for both ISOSCELES and OBTUSE triangles, for instance, inputs B 244.9mm, C 200mm and angle Y 75 degrees work with both. However the results obtained are for the ISOSCELES triangle. so please try to select the correct triangle from the start screen.
Please send any feedback and comments so that Magictriangles can be improved
by E####:
Saves allot of time