My Toyota for Android
after the last to update, it works!
Cant register .it did have all my vehicle info at first then it lost it. I give up!
Sad attempt looses all the information put in. Could be ok with some effort put into the app until then uninstalled
Not user friendly in any way. Won"t register multimedia without any informative error message. Looses connection and do not remember password.
Absolute shyte. Just like it's app, Toyota have lost the ball with below average service at their dealerships and substandard quality of their cars.
Just directs to the website. Would have liked to see service history, future bookings etc within the app and get reminders for MOT, service.
Can't register media device unless it is a sat nav version, pointless
Nicely designed app. Good work! Suggestion - Would love to see an app for this appear on my touch and go (2012) system that syncs with the phone version and inputs data into the relevant parts of the car software. Maybe it could also offer a workaround for the broken calendar and email sync? Is this possible?
Impossible to get Toyota UK to update my registration number, despite repeated requests. Whatever the car in front is, it certainly isn't a Toyota!
The app does not accept my email address as valid, so unable to register. Useless
Total frustration unable to verify my car on the app .who allowed this to happen.
Rubbish can't even enter initial sign up
Latest update has removed my vehicle! Profile is back to 85% complete and is prompting to add a vehicle again.
Most of the sections are blank
A waste of time. I have entered all my details and those of my vehicle several times but each time I re-open the app. most of the information has disappeared. Could be really useful but not in this half-baked state.
Unusable on my Galaxy Note 4 (Android 6.0.1). It crashes when entering data and when I attempt to mark my location. I'm disappointed a company like Toyota could release something like this.
App seems like a great idea but crashes upon putting data in like phone numbers etc.
Took time to set up. looks like everything entered has to be confirmed by Toyota server with a delay. Work fine for 5 days entered all dates to be reminded of via SMS. but since day 6 onwards app will not connect to server. Main wed site recognised my account and logs me in.. why not the app?
Very disappointing. Keeps telling me to finish my profile which I have tried to do several times. Cant access vehicle details eithet on app or website. Going to look elsewhere for app to manage my vehicles
Can't register totally useless
Never worked on Samsung galaxy s4. I was waiting until the new update to check if it does start to work but nothing. Still useless
Incredibly slow and frustrating. You add your vehicle, which it then doesn't cache so next time you open the app you have to wait an age for it to display your car.
Don't waste your time on an app that has too many bugs and flaws. Come on Toyota, what a terrible impression you are creating
Toyota is such a stupid.. Cant connect maps through Android auto app.. And maps are not updated as it ask lot of money.. You jerk allow android auto app
Can't even register "Oops something went wrong", with no explanation or options to rectify. I expected much better from Toyota
Wish journeys could be planned in the app and sent to the car.
Working perfectly on a Pixel XL
Everything I need to manage my husband's car. Brilliant!
Works fine on my Nexus5x, nice facility to set reminders for insurance, tax, MOT, service, Roadside Assistance subscription. But why insist on supplying password every time the app is run? Phone is already secured by PIN, most apps log me straight in after the first time. I use strong passwords which are impossible to remember. Forcing logout on exiting the app will result in people using weak passwords that they can remember, defeating the whole point of security.
All that happens is it tells you to migrate your account when you log in. If you don't it logs you out. If you do it opens up a browser window so you can log in to your account online. That's it. I'm capable of doing that in a browser myself. I don't need to install an app for that.
I have the app on my phone however it would be more useful to have it on my tablet a Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 but unfortunately my device is not compatible. Why?
Dose not work on s7 edge.. keeps crashing as soon as i open the app.. have sent loads of reports but with no reply // Just to add a month on i still have had no reply
Concept of app great but not reliable on Samsung 6edge.
Freezes after logging in.
Doesn't let me log in, incorrect pw. Doesn't let me ready password either.
It's not working on Samsung galaxy s6
Much faffing about to get this up and running. Seems only to tell me what I already know about my car. Unable to find a way to access service details and since service dates are no longer stamped in the service booklet this should be made easily available. Pretty useless so far unfortunately. Cannot see me using it.
by S####:
Doesn't work, piece of sh**. Remove this app from the app store if you can't get this properly work and maintain it! NOT RECOMMENDED AT ALL!