About Mobilne Aplikacije
Svi znamo da se u modernom poslovnom svetu sve menja munjevitom brzinom, a opstaju samo oni koji te promene prate. Takođe, svi znamo i da je cilj svakog biznisa da poveća broj kupaca i da ih učini lojalnim pre nego što to učini konkurencija. Jer svaki kupac je važan. A da biste došli do svojih potrošača, morate znati gde su oni.
Vi prosto i ne možete priuštiti sebi da ne iskoristite ovaj moćni marketinški alat. On vam daje mogućnost da se na najneposredniji mogući način obratite svojim klijentima i ponudite im vaše proizvode i usluge. Non stop. Pre nego što to uradi konkurencija.
Onda, kako najlakše i najbrže doći do novih i zadržati stare kupce u ovom trenutku? – Definitivno preko mobilnih aplikacija.
Na sreću mobilne aplikacije više nisu privilegija bogatih kompanija, ne iziskuju velika ulaganja, niti posebnu obuku i opremu. Mogu ih priuštiti i mala i srednja preduzeća. Sada i vi možete kroz PUSH NOTIFICATIONS direktno i svakodnevno obaveštavati vaše klijente o popustima, akcijama, novim proizvodima i uslugama, novim lokacijama…
Mi vam nudimo mobilne aplikacije potpuno optimizovane za vaš posao za Android i IOS operativne sisteme, koje će vaši kupci potpuno besplatno preuzimati sa AppStore ili PlayStore prodavnica. Vaše je samo da ih obavestite da potraže i jednostavno instaliraju vašu aplikaciju.
Naše mobilne aplikacije se izrađuju u kratkom roku, jednostavne su za korišćenje, sa kvalitetnom softverskom podrškom i pristupačnom cenom.
Upotrebom mobilnih aplikacija imate višestruku dobit:
Non stop 24/7 ste vidljivi vašim kupcima
Imate direktan i neposredan kontakt sa kupcima i klijentima
Kupci će odmah saznati za vaše nove proizvode, akcije, popuste, pa ćete lakše rasprodati zalihe
Stvorićete lojalne kupce koji kupuju više i uvek kupuju kod vas
Građenje brenda i prepoznatljivosti na tržištu
Prednost nad konkurencijom
Bolja posećenost i pozicioniranje web sajta na pretraživaču
Korisnici će vašu aplikaciju nalaziti po rečima koje se odnose na vaš posao (npr. „selidbe“) u Google i Apple prodavnici, a vi određujete ključnu reč
I na kraju, najvažnije – veći promet i veće prihode
Kako mobilne aplikacije funkcionišu na konkretnim biznisima?
Potrebno je da odvojite vremena koliko vam je potrebno za pisanje kraće objave na društvenim mrežama i kreirate PUSH NOTIFICATION … I vaši kupci će ODMAH saznati za sniženje, rasprodaju, happy hour, novu uslugu, proizvod ili bilo koju novinu u vašem poslovanju.
Restorani i picerije mogu obavestiti svoje mušterije o dnevnom meniju i specijalitetu dana, lojaliti programu, ponuditi specijalne kupone i oglasiti akcije na neke proizvode.
Maloprodajni objekti (butici, prodavnice sportske opreme, samoposluge, optike itd) mogu svakog trenutka da obaveste svoje kupce o najnovijim artiklima, lojalti programu, popustima, akcijama direktno na kupčev telefon iste sekunde
Agencije za promet nekretnina (real estate) mogu slati push notifications o novim ponudama, slobodnim terminima obilazaka, skice rasporeda ili čak i virtuelne ture kroz nekretnine koje žele da prodaju i iznajme. Na taj način štede i vreme i novac sebi i svojim klijentima
Frizerski i kozmetički saloni mogu slati kupone, obaveštavati klijente o novim uslugama i proizvodima, o promenama u radnom vremenu ili slati podsetnike o zakazanim terminima.
Teretane i fitness treneri kroz notifikacije mogu podsećati svoje korisnike na vreme održavanja treninga, o novim programima i davati specijalne popuste.
Kafe i barovi kroz push notifikacije imaju mogućnost da obaveste svoje goste o specijalnim događajima, happy hour-u, VIP dešavanjima, popustima, otvaranju bašte i sl.
Zubarske i lekarske ordinacije mogu povećati svoju posećenost nudeći specijalne ponude i popuste na određene usluge (izbeljivanje zuba, određeni specijalistički pregled…), podsećajući pacijente na zakazani termin ili prodajom određenih proizvoda putem aplikacije (konac za zube, četkice ili neke od farmaceutskih proizvoda za negu i lečenje). We all know that in the modern business world everything is changing rapidly, but only the ones that accompany these changes. Also, we all know that the goal of any business to increase the number of customers and make them loyal before the competition does so. Because every customer is important. But to get to your customers, you must know where they are.
You are free and you can not afford to not take advantage of this powerful marketing tool. It gives you the ability to take on the most direct way possible, contact their customers and offer them your products and services. Non stop. Before doing this competition.
Then, as the easiest and fastest to reach new customers and retain old at this point? - Definitely via mobile applications.
Fortunately, mobile applications are no longer a privilege of the rich companies do not require large investments or special training and equipment. I can afford them and SMEs. Now you too can through PUSH notifications on a daily basis inform your customers about discounts, promotions, new products and services, new locations ...
We offer mobile applications fully optimized for your business for Android and iOS operating systems, which will your customers for free download from the AppStore or PlayStore store. You just let them know to look for and easily install your app.
Our mobile applications are made in the short term, are simple to use, with high quality software support and affordably priced.
The use of mobile applications have multiple income:
Non-stop 24/7 you are visible to your customers
You have a direct and immediate contact with customers and clients
Customers will immediately find out about your new products, campaigns, discounts, making it easier to sell off stock
Will create loyal customers who buy more and always buy from you
Building brand recognition and market
The advantage over the competition
Better attendance and positioning web site browser
Users will find your application in the words that relate to your business (eg. "Removals") to Google and the Apple Store, and you can specify keyword
And finally, most importantly - more traffic and higher revenues
As mobile applications operate on specific businesses?
It is necessary to take as much time as you need to write shorter posts on social networks and create a PUSH NOTIFICATION ... And your customers will know immediately lowering, sell, happy hour, a new service, product, or any innovation in your business.
Restaurants and pizzerias can inform their customers about the daily menu and specialty days, Loyalty program, offer special coupons and starts the action on some products.
Retail stores (boutiques, sporting goods store, supermarket, opticians, etc.) may at any moment to inform their customers about the latest articles, a loyalty program, discounts, promotions directly to the customer's phone in a flash
Real estate agencies (real estate) can send push notifications about new offers, free terms tours, sketches or even schedules and virtual tours through the property they want to sell and rent. Thus saving time and money for themselves and their customers
Hairdressing and beauty salons can send coupons, inform customers about new products and services, the changes in working hours or send reminders of appointments.
Gyms and fitness coaches through the notification can remind your users to the time of training, the new programs and provide special discounts.
Coffee and bars through push notification and have the opportunity to inform their guests about special events, happy hour, the VIP events, discounts, open gardens and the like.
Dental and medical offices can increase their traffic by offering special deals and discounts on certain services (teeth whitening, certain specialist examination ...), reminding patients to appointments or sale of certain products through the app (dental floss, toothbrushes or any of the pharmaceutical care products and treatment).
by B####:
Obozavaml novi sistem sa obavestenja, nasi kupci dobijaju popuste, akcije itd odmah na telefonu!