About Love Poems
This application contains a little bit more than 100 love poems. Those poems were selected from among many to those which seems to be nice for me and are not offensive, vulgar, or too long. Thanks to that, they are suitable for sending both by sms as well as by email or by any other type of communicator.
* You can select your favorite love poems
* You can share with anyone with selected by you love poem through any IM or by sms or email and etc.
* You can filter list of love poems to show only your favorite or all
* You can find your love poem by writing some part of text in search box
* Everyday you will receive a special love poem which I chose for you as a notification. Of course you can turn it off or change time of displaying
* supported langauges: english (dafault), polish
metadata: lovepoems, love, poems, sms, lovepoemssms, poem, rhyme, loverhyme, loverhymes, rhymes, lovesms, romantic, romanticsms, romanticrhymes, romanticrhyme, romanticpoem, romanticpoems, lyrics, lovelyrics, lyric, lovelyric, miłosnewierszyki, milosne, wierszyki, sms, milosnesmsy, miłosne, milosnewierszyki, miłosnesmsy, wierszyk, wiersz, romatyczne, romantyczny, romantycznewierszyki, romantycznesmsy, romantycznysms, romantycznywierszyk