✓ The Pro version removes all advertising and will take priority over the free version What is a receipt for fees in Mexico?The receipt of fees is a document that certifies the delivery and receipt of a payment to an employee (individual) for a service provided. With the current tax law approved in 2014, there will not be any printable receipts for fees or any fee receipts with two-dimensional. From now, each receipt will be generated as electronic invoice. The calculations, however, remain the same and have not changed anything, with the exception of increasing the VAT from 11% to 16% for the border regions of the country.
What does this application? The application is intended to help people to know how to fill out correctly a receipt for fees in Mexico.
A receipt of fees tends to be confusing by the constantly number of modifications made by the SAT (Tax Administration Service) and sometimes this can cause rejection from the client when the receipt for fees has been wrong filled.
Due this situation, Ikita Studio decided to create a simple calculator for people who needs to provide receipt for fees. The app has been created to teach individuals about how to fill their Receipt of fees in Mexico. For that, you have to click the radial button to know the concept or type the amount for the concept that you wish to be calculated.
The calculator provides different scenarios:
• Calculate the fee receipt for either an individual, a legal entity, state governments or foreign customers (version 1.3.3 +)
• Calculate the applied tax depending on the geographic location of the customer
The new approved law for 2014 changed the frontier tax (11%) which has been removed for the current taxation. There is only one common tax for the mexican territory which is 16%
• Calculate any amount of the receipt from a chosen concept, for example, calculations can be obtained from the VAT Amount, the Subtotal, VAT Retention, and some other concepts holded by the receipt of fees
• The user can send the results by e-mail (up to 10 per day) (version 1.2.2 +)
• In addition, there is a 2 different avatars to choose from. The avatar explains briefly what the chosen concept is all about. This is very useful when a person has not a clear idea of the selected topic. (version 1.3.0 +)
• The user is able to choose Spanish or English as the default language. (version 1.3.0 +)
• Calculate schedular tax when needed (version 1.3.4 +)
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