About 絵はどっち?
株式会社KDDI研究所が公開している「N2 TTS」を利用することで、問題文を読み上げることができます。
特別支援学校で学んでいる障害のある人、発達障害の人たちの学習向けに作成したものです。 Character and two pictures that represent the emotion-feeling appears, It is an application that shed a picture of emotion-sense clue to the character.
There are 56 pieces in total picture to be displayed. Please decide if you would like to display in turn two pictures, you want to view in random. If you want to display in order, because it does not only show up to 20 sheets, please decide the starting position in the jump button. In addition, it is up to No. 28 two sheet at a time will be displayed if there 56 pieces. It starts from 1 to more than 28 numbers.
For the symbols used, we use the symbol library "Drops" you go through for your cooperation in droplet-like project. Copyright of the image is owned by droplet project. Redistribution without permission, can not be commercial use.
We also aimed also to achieve a fixing of the meaning of the symbol by using the learning software.
By taking advantage of KDDI R & D Laboratories has released a "N2 TTS", you can read the problem statement.
It is a thing that people with disabilities are learning in special needs schools, created to learning for people of developmental disabilities.