About 実践! おうちで省エネ
ご飯は炊飯器で保温する? それともレンジで温めなおす?
北海道経済産業局が刊行している冊子「実践! おうちで省エネ」がスマートフォンアプリになりました!
「実践! おうちで省エネ」のおもな機能
・事業委託先:株式会社メディア・マジック Rice will be kept warm in a rice cooker? Or reheat in the oven?
Shower and bath, either the hot water you use less?
In this app, among the daily life, energy saving ideas that can reasonably packed!
Easy energy saving, let's start to profit.
booklets Hokkaido Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry has published "Practical! Ouchi in energy saving" is now smartphone app!
Of smartphone unique, it is equipped with unique features. It is an application that daily energy saving will be fun.
The main function of the "practice! Ouchi in energy saving"
● Ouchi in energy saving ①: simple energy-saving surgery
Is moving Enen chan of energy-saving character, "Practice! Ouchi in energy saving" to introduce energy-saving surgery you that is also recorded in the booklet! Electricity per your area, gas, reflecting the public price for kerosene, etc., it will be able to know the saving amount more realistic.
● Ouchi in energy saving ②: monthly utility costs report
Monthly electric bill, and to record the utility costs, such as gas prices, you can check the utility costs in the graph, or the like.
● Ouchi in energy saving ③: energy costs saving simulation
By raising or lowering the set temperature of the heating and cooling, specifically how much of the savings amount of money, you can simulate such or made to reduce CO2 emissions.
● Ouchi in energy saving ④: power-saving Checker
If you enter "your amount" of a "Notice of electricity use amount" sent every month from the power company (kWh) in this application, you can compare the average usage of the same month of the past three years of the same contract.
● Ouchi in energy saving ⑤: saving Enekuizu
You can challenge the quiz on energy saving from the "energy nyan" (one day only once). Energy saving coin will earn when you answer.
● Ouchi in energy saving ⑥: energy saving diary
By going to record the daily energy saving, "saving Enekoin" will earn.
When saving Enekoin accumulate a certain amount, you can download a nice Enen chan like stamps and wallpaper.
- Supervision and production: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Hokkaido Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry
And business contractors: Co., Ltd. Media Magic