ディスレクシア音読指導アプリ 単音直音統合版

ディスレクシア音読指導アプリ 単音直音統合版 Free App

Rated 1.00/5 (1) —  Free Android application by 国立成育医療研究センター こころの診療部 ディスレクシア


About ディスレクシア音読指導アプリ 単音直音統合版


鳥取大学 小枝研究室で行われたディスレクシアに対する診断と治療に関するコホート研究の成果として、T式ひらがな音読支援(二段階式の音読指導、RTIによる早期発見と早期指導)が開発されました。

RTI(Response to instruction)による早期発見と早期指導は、小学校1年生を対象に行うもので、6月、11月、2月に音読の評価を行い、基準値に達しない児童に対して解読指導を行うというものです。これで改善しない児童に対しては語彙指導を行います。



 本プログラムにより、基本的なひらがなの音読がスムーズになることを期待しています。どうぞ、頑張って続けてください。 Dyslexia is one of the types of learning disabilities, specifically there is a difficulty in reading and writing of the character, or appear poor school performance by its, is a disease that may occur, such as secondary school maladjustment. The main cause is a phonological processing disorder, is that the correspondence of the character and its reading is difficult to automate. Therefore it tired takes considerable effort and time to read aloud. As a result, no longer read books, it becomes poor school performance will lack the knowledge and vocabulary.

As a result of cohort studies on the diagnosis and treatment for dyslexia, which was held in Tottori University twigs laboratory, T-type Hiragana aloud support (two-stage of reading aloud guidance, early detection and early guidance by RTI) has been developed.

Two-stage reading aloud guidance, consists of vocabulary guidance to enrich the vocabulary to do as deciphering guidance and the second stage to mitigate the corresponding difficulty of the character and its reading as a first step.
RTI (Response to instruction) early detection and early guidance by is for performing to target first-year elementary school, June, November, February evaluates the reading aloud, deciphering guidance for the children does not reach the reference value thing of performing. For children who do not improve with this do the vocabulary guidance.

This single note guidance app has been developed for decryption guidance. If leaders and parents has been designed so as to be able to practice the association of pronunciation and character of the "katakana" and "hiragana" with your child. In addition, it has become possible to quantitatively assess the results of the practice by looking at the history of the practice results.

The difficulty because it is in the order of "Chokuoto version" "single-note version", first it is recommended that gradually increase the degree of difficulty to practice from more low degree of difficulty. Also from so Hiragana can be read in almost smoothly, please proceed to the katakana.
Once a day, it is reading aloud guidance app 5 minutes. You can not practice or once a day 1, but progress character will no longer appear gradually, and the end soon. Please repeat the practice to reset when you are finished. I think that it is possible to feel some resistance when asked to practice approximately 21 times in a row.

Those who are first-time users, at the National Center for Child Health and Development home page, and access from the department Child and adolescent mental health department of mind to "What is dyslexia", Ya intention of dyslexia and T-type Hiragana reading aloud support please start the use upon obtaining the basic knowledge about the aim.
According to the present program, we expect that the reading aloud of the basic hiragana becomes smooth. Please, please continue to work hard.

How to Download / Install

Download and install ディスレクシア音読指導アプリ 単音直音統合版 version 1.0.3 on your Android device!
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Android package: air.jp.dyslexiakoeda.monotonyunified, download ディスレクシア音読指導アプリ 単音直音統合版.apk

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