毎日4コマまんが「ふにゃもらけ」 for Android
さらにmixiゲーム「ふしぎな生き物 ふにゃもらけ」で遊んでいる人は、この4コママンガを読むとゲームで使えるお金"Kマネー"が毎日もらえちゃうよ。
Heartwarming four-frame comic updated daily. You are drawn in four-frame comic strip daily mysterious creature "Funya Morake".Funyamorake is, mysterious creatures who came to kill time from a distant star "Funyamora Planet" on Earth. You are living happily every day along with the fellow.
In addition people who are playing in the mixi game "mysterious creatures Funya Morake", when reading this 4 comic is money "K money" that can be used in the game would get on a daily basis.
by M####: