About Medalia Perseverentei
Motto: Pregatiti-va copiii pentru succes!
Parcurgând acesta poveste copilul invata sa isi gestioneze emotiile!
De multe ori putem pierde in viata daca cedam prea repede, daca nu credem in puterea noastra de a reusi. Iata de ce este importanta perseverenta. Daca invatam cum sa fim perseverenti vom trece peste obstacole, vom depasi pesimismul si descurajarea, o sa credem permanent in succesul nostru.
Parintii stiu cât de important este sa fii perseverent. Dar cum sa ii faca pe copiii lor sa afle puterea perseverentei? Noi va punem la dispozitie un puternic instrument psihologic si educational: Medalia Perseverentei - o povestire animata captivanta pentru copii. Astfel copiii vor invata gustul succesului, vor indeparta gândurile negative (care ar putea sa ii dezechilibreze emotional), vor invata sa aiba incredere in ei.
Povestirea are la baza volumul Cele 7 medalii ale succesului, autori Georgeta si Ion-Ovidiu Pânisoara, profesori la Facultatea de Psihologie si Stiintele Educatiei a Universitatii din Bucuresti.
***** Trasaturi:
Poveste interactiva pentru cei mici cu suflete mari
Ajuta la dezvoltarea inteligentei emotionale a copiilor
Culoare, muzica , animatii si efecte sonore amuzante
Continut educational integral
Fiecare poveste este compusa din trei parti:
Un filmulet introductiv care contine un mic moment hazliu interactiv
Povestea propriu-zisa, cu elemente interactive de descoperit pe fiecare cadru
O poezie muzicala cu tâlc pentru fixarea cunostintelor (in ritmuri de hip-hop)
Realizat de catre Infomedia Pro, producator de software educational cu o experienta de 18 ani in acest domeniu, realizator al seriilor de produse educationale interactive PitiClic, PitiClic Senior si PitiClic Activ.
Din aceeasi serie „PitiClic si medaliile succesului”:
- Povestea curajului
- Povestea cooperarii
- Povestea curiozitatii
- Povestea rabdarii
- Povestea creativitatii
- Povestea empatiei
Vizitati-ne pe www.piticlic.ro si pe pagina noastra de facebook www.facebook.com/piticlic Statement: Prepare your children for success!
Going through this story teaches children to manage their emotions!
Often we lose life if cede too quickly if we do not believe in our power to succeed. That is why it is important perseverance. If we learn how to be persistent override obstacles we overcome pessimism and discouragement, a permanent believe in our success.
Parents know how important it is to be persistent. But how to make them their children to learn the power of perseverance? We put at your disposal a powerful psychological and educational Medal of perseverance - a captivating animated stories for children. Such children will learn the taste of success, will remove negative thoughts (which might swings ii) learn to trust them.
The story is based on seven medals volume of success, authors and Georgeta Ion-Ovidiu Pânisoara, professors at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest.
***** Features:
Interactive story for the little ones with big hearts
Helps children develop emotional intelligence
Colour, music, animations and fun sound effects
Full educational content
Each story is composed of three parts:
An introductory movie that contains a small interactive funny moment
The story itself, with interactive elements found in each frame
A poem for securing meaningful musical knowledge (in the rhythms of hip-hop)
Powered by Infomedia Pro, educational software maker with 18 years experience in this field, producer of the series of interactive educational products PitiClic, PitiClic PitiClic Senior and Active.
The series' success PitiClic and medals "
- The story of courage
- Story cooperation
- Story curiosity
- The story of patience
- The story of creativity
- The story of empathy
Www.piticlic.ro Visit us on our facebook page and www.facebook.com/piticlic