World Kids Song 01 for Android
Its kind of good
Not fantastic though
It is awsome to my sister but not me that is so wrong
Love the songs... Can you add more songs soon please!
Its a nice apps my son love to see it when he take a milk in bottle :)
I bought this app coz it has a few good song with animation. but after almost one year, there's no new song added anymore. Disappointed !!
Byk ads nya bete
Hahahhah. </3
Udah beli,format ulang hape,instal ulang,tp ga bs d kayak aplikasi lagu yg satu lg,bs d restore,fix it please...
Hope I can play it with my daughter even with out internet. :-(
Great apps with cute animation. My kid love this apps. Need more songs.
Even my 1.5 years daughter can select her own song.
There are only 2 songs that are free, the rest cost far too much.. The voice is also a little strange...
Not fantastic though
Dah beli yg ini jg...bagus,cm agak berat dibanding yg satunya..dan warna huruf kuning,jd liriknya ga kelihatan tuh...
Payah nie, dulu gw ud beli full version buat anak gw, masa tau2 skrng ada update ditambahin iklan setiap mau putar lagu. Segitu gw ud beli full bukan free download. Tolong donk hargain yg ud beli appsnya, bukan malah disusupin oleh ads sampah
Reccomended for the children! More animated songs please :)
Bagus Dah beli yg ini jg...bagus,cm agak berat dibanding yg satunya..dan warna huruf kuning,jd liriknya ga kelihatan tuh...
Great Great apps with cute animation. My kid love this apps. Need more songs.
Intuitive Even my 1.5 years daughter can select her own song.
by C####:
Not fantastic though