MyBrainSolutions - Training for Android
From jiff I am not able to access the app
UI controls are all messed up, orientation is stuck in landscape, difficult to mute sound.
Using Google Pixel, login with Jiff does not work.
App redirecting to jiff.. but once login to jiff then it is not redirecting back to mybrainsolutions.. not able to use at all
NO SUPPORT!! Every time I try to use an Android device it does recognize my sign-in and tells me the support team will fix it. Well the support team has never contacted me and it is still not fixed.
The Think On Target game seems to have recently started malfunctioning. It starts the game over after 1 arrow is released rather than 10.
I am not able to open game in my device..showing adobe device
Works most of the time.
One of best apps for relaxing and learning.
Love your exercises, but timing on MyCalmBeat is incorrect. When selecting a certain bpm e.g. 6bpm does not amount to 6 actual bpms.
On andoid device the ap does not respond to changes in breathing speed preferences
Three games to continuously play. Then you request payment to continue playing the games. Luminosity has far better games for each level of the mind. This brain game is not worth installing. Do yourself a favor and uninstall! !
Freezes and crashes every time I try to shut off all reminders/notifications. Generates reminders/notifications after every device reboot at inappropriate times.
I have been playing these games consistently for 9 months on my computer, iPad, and now my Android phone (85,000+ Brain Points). I have become more organized than I've ever been in my life! I learn things easier, it's easier to remember things. I am more focused and more positive. It shows in my work, and I know that this is a reason why I received a promotion recently. I won't ever stop playing so my brain can continue to get more efficient, and I can continue to be a better me.
Do not play on a phone. On my Nexus 5, several games scaled down to smaller screen sizes so poorly that they're unplayable. How are you supposed to match a word when you can't see the letters, or pick the right bubbles when only three fit on the screen and new ones are constantly flinging them around wildly?
I noticed some of the games are not working correctly, please update.
The screen/input detection is not that great. I find using a stylus helps much better (which I assume is simply an accuracy thing) but even with that I still see problems. Word smith and memory maze are the two I find troublesome the most. Otherwise, the games are ok and offer decent variety.
The theory behind the games is great. The execution on my android device, not so. Only three stars because game overrides volume level on my phone. So if I have my phone set to silent and want to play a game while I'm in a waiting room or on the bus, the phone still makes noise. Very annoying and will stop me from practicing most of the time. And why should I have to go find a stylus when everything else on my phone works just fine with a fingertip?
Games are interesting. Reminds me of WiiFit/Big Brain Academy. Points do not seem to be registering from the mobile app though.
On my Samsung Galaxy Notes 3 I find the TouchPad doesn't capture all the letters I trace across, increasing my frustration level.
The first game I tried is flawed. "Word Smith" skips letters when I drag across the correct answer, so I don't get credit for finding the word.
This could be the stupidest application ever invented. The games are monotonous, boring and largely irrelevant. For example, one game, "Happy Seeker" the goal is to pop the bubbles with happy words like joy and love, but not unhappy words like sad and tense. I another emotional intelligence test you have to pick the happy face from a swirling mix of faces. Doing it well is supposed to help me recognize happy people. But, of course, all you really do is look for teeth. The other games aren't much different
This is not the computer version but it will help you to keep going on on some of yours exercises. Works well on my Nexus 7.
by N####:
App directs me to sign in through Jiff, but when you click it super zooms in and doesn't even allow you to see fields to sign in. Weird because Jiff auto signs in if opening it directly. Also when you start from Jiff app and select to open this app, it opens the web browser instead of the app, and nothing works from the browser, which instructs you to download the app. This partnership should be seamless.