Frankcom ist einer der ersten akkreditierten Registrare der Eurid für .eu Domains. Als kompetenter Ansprechpartner bei allen Fragen zum Thema stehen wir gerne zur Verfügung. Wie unabhängige Studien zeigen, werden .eu Domains in den letzten Jahren immer beliebter. Oft nutzen Firmen - insbesondere die in der Europäischen Union länderübergreifend tätig sind - die .eu Domain inzwischen als Hauptdomain für alle Firmenaktivitäten. Wenn auch Sie Interesse an .eu Domains haben, dann empfehlen wir Ihnen den Download unserer APP. Da es sich um die erste Version der APP handelt, sind noch nicht alle Funktionen verfügbar - sie können aber bereits nützliche Informationen über .eu Domains und unsere Firmenwebseite in einer speziell optimierten Version für Ihr Endgerät aufrufen.
Ein Highlight der APP ist die integrierte Pushfunktion, die es Ihnen auf Wunsch ermöglicht, aktuelle Nachrichten zum Thema .eu Domains direkt auf Ihr Endgerät zu erhalten. Auch auf unsere informative Facebook Seite haben Sie direkten Zugriff in der APP. Wir freuen uns über Ihre Anregungen und Kritik - bitte beachten Sie aber, dass es sich um eine Informationsapp handelt und erwarten Sie keine technischen Funktionen rund um Domains. Danke für Ihr Interesse.
Frankcom is one of the first accredited registrars of Eurid for .eu domains and well known as a competent company around all domain related questions. Actual studies are showing that .eu domains are getting more and more popular since the introduction. Companies, which are specialized in business through European Union, often do use the domain .eu as the main domain for their complete marketing and business activities. If you are having interest in .eu domains the app should be worth looking at it. As it is the first version of our APP not all functions are available yet - but it is possible to get interesting information about .eu domains and to see a special optimized version on your mobile devices.
A highlight of the APP is the integrated push function, which will send interesting and actual information directly on your device when activated. Also our Facebook page with lot of information can be shown in the APP. Please send us your comments about the app, but notice that the APP has very few technical functions about domains as it should be seen as an information APP in the beginning. Many thanks for reading and showing interest. Frankcom is one of the first accredited registrars of EURid. Eu domains. As a competent partner for all questions on the subject, we are happy to help. As independent studies show eu domains in recent years. Becoming increasingly popular. Often companies use - in particular that are transnationally operating in the European Union -. Eu domain now as the main domain for all company activities. If you are interested eu Domains., Then we recommend you to download our app. Since this is the first version of the app, all functions are not available yet - but they can call already eu useful information about domains and our company website in a specially optimized version for your device..
A highlight of the app is the built-in push function, which allows you to desire the latest news on the subject. Eu domains to get directly to your device. Also on our informative Facebook page, you have direct access to the APP. We welcome your comments and suggestions - but please note that there is a Informationsapp and do not expect technical functions relating to domains. Thanks for your interest.
Frankcom is one of the first accredited registrars of EURid for. Eu domains and well known as a competent company around all domain related questions. Actual studies are showing that. Eu domains are getting more and more popular since the introduction. Companies, Which are specialized in business through European Union, often do use the domain. Eu as the main domain For their complete marketing activities and business. If you are having interest in. Eu domains the app shoulderstand be worth looking at it. As it is the first version of our app not all functions are available yet - but it is possible to get interesting information about eu domains and to see a special optimized version on your mobile devices..
A highlight of the APP is the integrated push function, whichwill be sent interesting and actual information Directly on your device When activated. So our Facebook page with lot of information can be shown in the app. Please send us your comments about the app, but did notice the APP Has very few technical functions about domains as it should be seen as information on APP in the beginning. Many thanks for reading and showing interest.