About SafeChat
Verba volant scripta manent. The words are lost in the air, the script remains. With Safe Chat we wanted to overturn this literary principle, it is precisely designed for this. The messages exchanged shall be as the words ... do not have to stay track, indeed even more we did not want them to be written on any support ...
How did we do?
An application where you texting with one or more people at the same time also in a totally secure. No anonymous connection, the software is based on the latest technology of streaming p2p use the protocol rtmfp adobe. The message is encrypted on the device vs before being sent over the network, so anyone intercepting your message you will find only a series of letters and numbers incomprehensible. The message will arrive at the Server always in encrypted form, which in turn will deliver to the addressee, in this case only you and the server will know to whom the message is directed, no one will know who you're texting. The server will manage to turn recipients and senders with simple random ID created and run-time, these same id will cease to exist whenever the connection will be closed, no reference to vs mobile number or the recipient, our app does not need permissions on your contact list. In order when the message will get it will be decrypted on the device, without being saved in any history or memory.
The principle we use is the same as using mobile phones equipped with CyperChip ie a microchip that encrypts your voice before it is transmitted via GSM, then travel through the channels encrypted so even if intercepted it will be incomprehensible. Who is listening, vs. the interlocutor anchegli equipped with a mobile phone with CyperChip will be able to hear your clear words that have been deciphered by ChiperChip.
The problem is that a cell can further encrypt the GSM frequency costs no less than 2000 €
SafeChat Use one of the most secure symmetric encryption algorithms 3DES (triple-DES), SafeChat can be defined without doubt among the best app developed and less vulnerable in terms of security. And if were to flee from the phone, your conversations held on SafeChat can never be retrieved, simply because I've never been saved on the device vs, it on the server that allows streaming. And 'that's the strength of SafeChat