About リア充チェッカー
メタデータ株式会社 様の「Mextractr 感情解析API」を用いて解析しています。
このアプリは、クリスマスハッカソン2011にて、「チームきょうと」で企画・作成したものをブラッシュアップしました。 It is an application that analyzes the tweet information of Twitter, seek (rear charge degrees) frequency that real life is substantial.
We analyzed using meta-data like the Corporation "Mextractr emotion analysis API".
Anyone that has been enhanced, the more rear charge degree increases, it becomes up to 100%.
In addition, you can also post to Twitter result.
Christmas in mint Son 2011, this application was to brush up what was planned and created by "team Kyoto".